Saturday, May 14, 2016

UNICEF Job Vacancy, Saturday 14, May 2016

Unicef Jobs in NigeriaThe United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children’s survival, protection and development. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.

If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world’s leading children’s rights organization would like to hear from you.



The main purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support to UNICEF, WASH program in Nigeria to establish/strengthen sanitation supply chains through network of masons and by establishing/strengthening their network with sanitation entrepreneurs. The sanitation entrepreneurs together with masons will help households move up the sanitation ladder by offering a manageable range of options of easy-to-build and affordable yet aspirational improved toilets and delivering these toilets on receiving purchase requests.

The Sanitation Marketing Consultant will work on various aspects of this sanitation supply chain. This will require inputs to be provided at the ward level by identifying trained masons using an objective criteria and operationalizing the network of the selected masons to become sales agents delivering latrines either as a complete package or render only construction services; at LGA/State level: to identify and build the capacity of entrepreneurs who will constitute a network of masons as one-stop supply and construction centers. They would be able to advise potential customers to select a particular design of toilet from a menu of options and build it for them at agreed/LGA approved standard cost.

The supply chain constituents- that is, the entrepreneurs as well as their satellite system of masons will have to be trained in the technical aspects of construction of the various toilet design options on offer. A system will have to be established for technical training by co-opting technical training institutes such as the Federal/ State Polytechnics as nodal training institutes. UNICEF will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the identified training institutes.

The supply network/system created will be provided marketing support to connect to the demand created through routine CLTS programming strategy.

This consultancy is under:

Activity N14.3: Support Hygiene promotion for sustained behavioural change in the country including commemoration of national and global events.

And will contribute to the achievement of;

Output 14 of the FGN/UNICEF Multi-year work plan for 2014 and 2015: Focus states/LGAs have increased capacity and deliver services to ensure children and women have sustained and equitable access to improved sanitation and hygiene.


The Consultant will be based in the UNICEF Nigeria Country Office, Abuja and will work closely with National Task Group on Sanitation as well as UNICEF National and Field Office colleagues.

The tasks will involve travelling to States, LGAs and Communities for consultations with relevant government partners and pilot testing of developed materials.

The duration of the contract will be six months.


Under the overall guidance of Chief of WASH and with supervision from the WASH Spe…t, the key tasks for this consultancy include the following;

Assist the international consultant in the preparation of an overall comprehensive sanitation marketing component budget for all activities to be carried out during the period of the consultancy along with managers of specific budget lines and timeline for availability of funds at the end-user level in discussion with UNICEF at the National Office.

Assist the international consultant in liaising with SMEDAN, state level sanitation entrepreneurs and the network of masons.

In discussion with UNICEF WASH Section shortlist a menu of technical options consisting of both dry and water-flushed toilets complete with superstructure features which will be offered as options for choice to the customers in the sanitation market to be created. The range of options will consist of a maximum of 4 to 6 designs. The cost of building each option complete with superstructure will be worked out by actually building model units at an agreed site, which will serve as the benchmark for costing. Transport costs and entrepreneurs’ margin will be added to the benchmark to arrive at the cost-to-the-customer, which will have to be communicated to the buyers.

Develop a leaflet/brochure on “Easy Latrine” to be distributed to the HH during the post triggering community follow up visits by WASHCOM members/ satellite masons linked to supply outlets of sanitation entrepreneurs. The leaflet/brochure will be designed to assist HH choose an affordable yet inspirational latrine suiting local/HH requirements. Leaflet/brochure should contain info on Toilet options with features and USPs and actual costs (including but not limited to: two-leach pit, single leach pit and VIP), the functional appropriateness of different options (such as water requirements, land requirements, cleaning, filling, emptying, durability etc)

Assist the international consultant in identifying potential technical training institute which will train sanitation entrepreneurs and masons.

Assist the international consultant in conducting Training of entrepreneurs and masons in sanitation promotion/marketing/entrepreneurial skills at the state level

With the help of graphic designer (to be hired by UNCIEF) develop publicity material for trained entrepreneur and masons (as UNICEF/LGA assistance for the promotion of   sanitation in business model)

Assist the international consultant in contracting an advertising agency to carry out media campaign in support of sanitation behaviour change and marketing interventions

Assist the international consultant in conducting orientation workshops at state level for selected national/state/LGA level private contractors, entrepreneurs, material suppliers to become Sanitation Entrepreneurs

Assist the international consultant in activating the sanitation entrepreneurs network of masons as sales agents

Assist the international consultant in regular follow and Technical Assistance to be provided to the key stakeholders and actors to ensure the operationalization of the various component of the sanitation marketing mechanism.

Assist the international consultant in documenting the approach, and prepare a Plan of Action for scaling up.

The above activities will be executed directly by the Consultant in additional 2 LGAs each of additional 4 States. The Consultant will develop guidelines for the concerned UNICEF FO staff for replication.
Programme ID & Specific Project Involved: YW 303 (WASH Programme); Output 14: Focus states/LGAs have increased capacity and deliver services to ensure children and women have sustained and equitable access to improved sanitation and hygiene.


Consultancy inception report with detailed budget and work schedule;

Lead development of Technical Training manual for sanitation marketing entrepreneurs/masons with the support of UNICEF staff
Sample business plan for prospective entrepreneurs developed.

Conduct 3 State level advocacy/orientation workshops with the support of FOs for civil/material suppliers to become Sanitation Entrepreneurs

Conduct 3 trainings for Entrepreneurs /Masons in sanitation marketing and entrepreneurial skills with support of concerned Field Office of UNICEF

Draft partnership MoUs with entrepreneurs for establishing sanitation marketing supply chain developed.

Minutes/note for records based on post workshop follow up meetings with potential entrepreneurs documenting key outcomes and agreements for further follow up possibly leading to development and signing of MoUs

Final report containing Operational Guideline on sanitation marketing to be shared with UNICEF FOs, lessons learnt /best practices and recommendations for way forward, replication and scaling up.


The selected consultant(s) will be Individuals with a track record of at least five years of WASH Sector experience.

Possible areas of expertise include civil engineering, value chain analysis; business advisory services, particularly in the area of market transformation; capacity building and social entrepreneurship.

Experience working with in rural and informal markets is essential.

Other essentials skills are:

Proven analytical and planning skills and ability to think strategically.

Good communications and writing skills in English.

Excellent presentation skills, both in terms of written and oral communication.

Willingness to travel to rural and semi-urban areas of the country.

Strong computing skills including spreadsheets and graphics

Passion and commitment to UNICEF’s mission and professional values.

Willingness to be a part of, and closely work with a government personnel/staff and institutions.

Diplomacy and negotiating skills.

Previous work experience with UNICEF and in Africa would be an added advantage.

Terms of Reference:

National Sanitation Marketing Consultant.

Contract Duration:

Contract will be for a total duration of 6 months from 1st June to 30th November, 2016.

Official Travel Involved:

Official travels within the country to be based on approved travel plan developed by the Consultant and approved by management. The Consultant is expected to travel to Katsina, Bauchi, Kaduna, Jigawa, Cross River, and Anambra States.

The Consultant will be paid approved Daily Subsistence Allowance for all authorized travels within the country.


DUE DATE: 27 May, 2016

UNICEF Job Vacancy, Saturday 14, May 2016

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