Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Consultant – Translation and Recording of CDGP Key Health Education Messages at Save the Children Nigeria, Tuesday 12, December 2017

Save the Children is a leading international organization helping children in need around the world. First established in the UK in 1919, separate national organizations have been set up in more than twenty-eight countries, sharing the aim of improving the lives of children through education, health care and economic opportunities, as well as emergency aid in cases of natural disasters, war and conflict.

In Nigeria, Save the Children has been working since 2001. The early focus was on getting children actively involved in shaping the decisions that affect their lives. Today, Save the Children is working in seven federal states – Zamfara, Yobe, Jigawa, Katsina, Kano, Bauchi and Kaduna – focusing on providing basic healthcare and protecting children.


Number of days: 7


The Child Development Grant Programme (CDGP) is a -six-year DFID funded programme, with Save the Children, AAH and the Government of Nigeria being implemented in a total of 5 LGAs in Zamfara and Jigawa States of Northern Nigeria, where high levels of child stunting is a serious problem. The CDGP aims to address food insecurity and financial barriers to improving nutrition practices and preventing stunting targeting the first “1000 days of life” (pregnant and lactating women and children up to the age of 24 months). The northern states are each characterized as conservative, with a number of cultural dynamics that limit women’s involvement in household and market level decision making and other markers of empowerment.

CDGP aims to demonstrate the impacts of cash transfers and a package of nutrition interventions on household food security, improved optimal nutrition practices, in the prevention of childhood stunting. CDGP works closely with government authorities at the State and LGAs level to implement and oversee the programme.

An independent mixed-method evaluation of the programme is being carried out by e-Pact, a consortium led by Oxford Policy Management. The evaluation is intended to help understand the impact of the programme on the households and communities it supports and inform State and Federal government social protection programmes.


The purpose of the consultancy is to translate and transcribe key messages developed by the programme into Hausa Language and Hausa Ajami scripts.

The consultant will also record this messages in audio format in generally acceptable Hausa. The messages will be recorded to be used in other communications and lessons materials that would address and stimulate action around improving the key behaviours promoted in the CDGP, including early initiation of —feeding, exclusive —feeding, appropriate complementary feeding, WASH as well as other determinants of child health such as maternal nutrition, attending ANC and immunization


Translate pre-developed key messages in generally acceptable Hausa Language and Hausa Ajami Script

Record the translated script in generally acceptable Hausa language


The consultant’s responsibilities are:

Translation and transcribing of English script into general acceptable Hausa and Ajami

Record translated script in generally acceptable Hausa Language using professional voice-over

Ensure copy right of scripts and all produced materials are vested in CDGP

Note: Before production can be finalised, CDGP must approve of each script and recording.

Expected Deliverables

A final script of pre-developed messages (in Hausa and Ajami) submitted to and approved by CDGP before use.

Digital and CD copies of the final version of each recording.


CDGP is seeking a professional, experienced and already established media production outfit, preferably with expertise and experience in entertainment education and radio.

The consultant must be a native Hausa speaker able to read, write and translate both Hausa and Ajami

The consultant must have access to a fully equipped studio for production

The consultant must have access to professional voice-over artists to voice the production

In addition, knowledge of the context of Zamfara and Jigawa and issues on nutrition and health is desirable.


All production costs incurred will be covered from the consultancy fee.

Out-of-state transportation costs and accommodation where needed will be covered by CDGP

Withholding tax – at 10% for a firm and 5% for individuals – will be deducted at source from the total cost of the consultancy fee

CDGP will not provide up-front payment for production costs


DUE DATE: 15 December, 2017

Jobs in Nigeria

Consultant – Translation and Recording of CDGP Key Health Education Messages at Save the Children Nigeria, Tuesday 12, December 2017

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