Showing posts with label Mercy Corps Recruitment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercy Corps Recruitment. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2016

Latest Job Vacancy at Mercy Corps Nigeria, Friday 18, November 2016

Mercy Corps Nigeria with funding from DFID is implementing Youth Stabilization Initiative for the State of Borno (YOU-SB) programme aimed at reducing the vulnerability of the male and female youth to radicalization and recruitment by extremists groups in Borno by addressing the root causes of violence.

Mercy Corps Nigeria seeks to engage an interested and qualified candidate as a consultant to conduct a youth-led labour market assessment (LMA) which will also include private sector mapping in YOU-SB project sites in Borno.  The findings from this research will inform the program’s livelihoods, gender, and private sector engagement strategies with the given YOU-SB participants in mind. The study will include a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods and will build upon initial findings from Mercy Corps’ research findings from April 2016 report, “Motivation and Empty Promises: Violence of Former Boko Haram Combatants and Nigerian Youth” and it’s September 2016 follow on, “Gifts and Graft: How Boko Haram Uses Financial Services for Recruitment and Support”.


PROJECT LOCATION(S): Field based – Maiduguri, Biu and Damboa, Borno State


Market Driven.

Understanding that YOU-SB livelihoods activities must be relevant to realities on the ground, we will employ a market-driven approach throughout the duration of the project. YOU-SB will first identify local opportunities for youth employment and self-employment and will then work to match YOU-SB participants appropriately and accordingly (based on skills relevancy, livelihoods activities learners are engaged in currently or other potential but untapped livelihoods opportunities).

Following this market-driven process, subsequent assessments will follow on an iterative basis after the original LMA must have been conducted to ensure that YOU-SB is a— of market dynamics which may impact youth in their pursuit of sustainable livelihoods. YOU-SB will work to ensure that its interventions are rooted in economic realities which bridge the gap between the supply (youth equipped with market-driven skills) and demand (needs of the labor market). YOU-SB will also ensure appropriate linkages with other ongoing youth livelihoods programs in Borno state.

Youth-led and Participatory.

An integral component of the assessment process is youth participation. YOU-SB will focus on building capacity, creating relationships and addressing misconceptions. Selected young people, identified by YOU-SB staff, will contribute to the tool development process as well as the assessment implementation. Via this process, young people will build invaluable market research and life skills (such as communication and professionalism), as well as gain a better understanding of local economic realities. YOU-SB will engage young people in the assessment process where possible, as youth-led programming is a key element of the program.

Up front focus on high success activities to stimulate catalytic change.

The assessment will place immediate focus on identifying potential leaders who can introduce and disseminate required skills, technologies and practices to targeted youth. Based on the findings of the Mapping Activity, the LMA will verify communities and towns that offer unique opportunities and highest returns for different skills and enterprises.


YOU-SB partners with civil society, government actors, and traditional community and religious leaders in Borno State. The programme is implemented in three Local Government Areas; Maiduguri, Biu and Damboa. Our core interconnected objectives are as follows:

Strengthen the capacity of civil society to positively influence the public discourse on drivers of instability

Increase trust in government through joint community-government initiatives to reduce youth participation in violence

Strengthen and expand government efforts to support youth to fulfil their economic ambitions and reduce their vulnerability to financial inducements from violent

Amplify existing counter narratives to prevent youth participation in extremist group

Consultant Objectives:

The consultancy contributes directly to overall objective of the Youth Stabilization Initiative for the State of Borno (YOU-SB) programme under Objective 3: Strengthen and expand government efforts to support youth to fulfil their economic ambitions and reduce their vulnerability to Boko Haram financial inducements.

For this activity, the YOU-SB program will engage with the relevant state government ministries including the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Labour and Employment as well as the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development at different stages of activity planning and implementation.

Consultant Activities and Deliverables:

The Consultant will:

Design LMA methodology and research tools

Lead the mapping of existing economic activities and employment preparation activities and employment preparation activities – young people in Borno state, Nigeria

Identify the most promising employment and self-employment opportunities for YOU-SB participants, primarily in the informal sector

Identify high potential growth sectors, hiring trends, and forecasts

Analyze the constraints to the current labour market system for youth with low literacy in project sites

Analyze selected value chain constraints to take advantage of identified opportunities for youth with low literacy in YOU-SB project sites

Develop livelihoods strategies and recommendations for the short, medium, and long term for youth with low literacy in project sites

Develop best practices and systems for iterative market research

Build capacity of Borno state government and youth leaders with regards to market research and private sector engagement

Provide a technical report on the process, lessons learnt and practical recommendations on project design based on the assessment results

Timeframe / Schedule:

The period of this consultancy is a maximum of 30 days

This consultancy needs to start from 28 November 2016 with an estimated timeframe of 30 days, including travel, preparation and training and can be a combination of in-country and home based working days and can be also non-continuous. The following is an indicative timeframe:

Action (number of days days)

The overall result will be the delivery of the out puts as outlined above. This will be achieved through: desk research, field visits to communities in project local government areas, the administration of research tools, data handling and analysis and report production. (Maximum of 30 days)

Submission of finalized assessment methodology and scope (4 days)

Submission of finalized tools (3 days)

Training workshops for the designated data collectors and other relevant participants (2 days)

Leading the data collection exercise (10 days)

Drafting  the  LMA Report (5 days)

Review of the draft with key stakeholders (3days)

Production of final LMA Report, including Private Sector Mapping (3 days)

The Consultant will report to:

YOU-SB Program Manager, Mercy Corps Nigeria

The Consultant will work closely with:

YOU-SB team in Mercy Corps Nigeria and the Markets Economic Recovery and Growth (MERG) Technical Support Unit


Post-graduate degree in social sciences, business, economics, public administration public policy, statistics or a field relevant to the TOR requirements. Ph.D. preferred.

Minimum of 5 – 10 years field experience in complex conflict areas; cross sectional experience would be an added advantage.

Past experience with assessing issues around labor market demand and supply to draw strong and valid conclusions especially in the North East Nigeria.

Experience in interactive and participatory trainings techniques as well as deep knowledge in local economic development.

Clear knowledge and understanding of the added value represented by the youth participation.

Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work in a multicultural team or environment.

Excellent communication and report writing skills.


Fluency in English (written and oral) and Hausa.


The following documents should be submitted as part of the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials:

Cover letter to include a brief overview about which of your previous experiences makes you the most suitable candidate for the advertised position to

Examples of previous relevant work including web links, references or copies of written work on Economic Market Development, Labour Market Studies or on any other related area.

Financial Proposal (Specifying a total lump sum amount in NGN for the tasks specified in this Terms of Reference). The financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (daily rate and number of anticipated working days, travel, per diems and any other possible costs). Please note that the financial proposal is all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period.

DUE DATE: 22 November, 2016

Latest Job Vacancy at Mercy Corps Nigeria, Friday 18, November 2016

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Jobs at Mercy Corps, Saturday 12, November 2016

Mercy Corps has worked in Nigeria since 2012, focusing its programming on adolescent girls’ empowerment, economic development, and conflict mitigation. With the insurgency affecting North East Nigeria and displacing millions of people, Mercy Corps initiated humanitarian programming in 2014 to support the conflict-affected population. As a result of the wide-scale needs in 2016, Mercy Corps is scaling-up its humanitarian response to address emergency priorities including food security, non-food items, nutrition, protection, water sanitation, while preparing to address early recovery needs for displaced households and vulnerable host communities. The largest portion of this response is focused on cash transfer programming.

With funding from humanitarian donors including the European Commission (ECHO) and US Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and Food for Peace, Mercy Corps’ humanitarian program provides direct assistance while building capacity of humanitarian response actors. In addition, it anticipates expanding programming in North East Nigeria, building on concurrent programs to establish a dynamic multi-sector platform.



The Shelter Program Manager is a key management position for Mercy Corps Nigeria’s emergency response to the humanitarian crisis in North East Nigeria. The position has supervisory and managerial responsibilities, including directly managing all emergency shelter programs and activities implemented by Mercy Corps and funded by OFDA. The Shelter Program Manager provides technical leadership and supervision to shelter program staff. S/he is responsible for overseeing program implementation and ensuring achievement of program objectives in compliance with Mercy Corps, donor requirements and international standards.

S/he actively participates in relevant humanitarian coordination in Biu and ensures field staff participates in coordination meetings at sub-office level. S/he plays a key role in program development, proposal writing, and shaping Mercy Corps’ overall program strategy for emergency and transitional programming in shelter as well as other sectors.



In close collaboration with Deputy Team Leader and Head of Office in Biu, (and potentially other sub-offices in case of extension):

Oversee and ensure that procurement is completed, documented and delivered to end-user in a timely manner, ensuring that items procured meet specifications of the end-user while adhering to donor and Mercy Corps procurement guidelines.

Oversee all aspects of asset as well as stock management for the shelter items, including ensuring sound transfers between sub-offices or to the program implementation sites

Ensure quality and accuracy of the BoQs and Contracts, Cost estimates and any other project-related documentation needed for procurement.Managing the tendering process and monitoring contractors progress and quality of work. Ability to resolve field and construction issues

Create a master plan for shelter clusters to ensure safety of residents, functionality, and protection of the natural environment

Ensuring that land ownership is cleared and no shelter or other related infrastructure are constructed on disputed land.

Program Management and Implementation

Provide leadership and management of all aspects of shelter program design, planning, implementation, quality and accountability.

Participate to the elaboration of technical design on shelter interventions for program proposals and budgets as requested.

Build the capacity of all national shelter team members with special focus to more senior positions, in program management,

Ensure that program implementation is responsive to communities needs for shelter and consistent with Mercy Corps’ relevant program guidelines.

Integrate community approaches, gender and disablement sensitivity, Do No Harm/protection mainstreaming, environmental sensitivity and capacity building into all activities as appropriate.

Establish, manage and coordinate work plans for all program activities, including making adjustments in response to any changes in the security situation in close coordination with the Head of Office Biu, Deputy Team Leader, and the Director Humanitarian Programs.

Manage the shelter program budget, including: approval of appropriate program expenses (within approval limit), tracking of program spending and financial obligations, verification of monthly budget-vs-actual reports, estimation of projected spending and submission of monthly cash forecasts, etc.

Manage the monitoring and evaluation system for all shelter program activities, including the planning and execution of any required evaluations, to ensure that accurate and timely information is available. Document lessons learned and best practices and integrate into program activities as appropriate.

Conduct regular field visits to all program sites in order to ensure that shelter programs are adapted to local needs, provide quality control assurance, and to conduct regular audits of program activities.

Provide regular internal and external reports on program status, as required.

Coordination and Representation:

Develop and maintain working relationships and coordinate with relevant international and local agencies active in the shelter working group and related coordination platforms.

Document and communicate program implementation experience and lessons learned to support coordination and learning efforts.


Other duties as assigned.

Organizational Learning: As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve, we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.


Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.


This position requires supervision of a team of approximately 5 national staff. The Shelter Program Manager is responsible for the direct supervision of emergency shelter program staff in field locations in North East Nigeria.


DIRECTLY SUPERVISES: Shelter Program Staff.

WORKS DIRECTLY WITH: The Shelter Program Manager works directly with the humanitarian program and operations staff in the field.


BA/S in engineering, management, international development or other relevant field. Related MSc or MAs is a key asset.

5-7 yearsexperience successfully managing programs and teams in the field, preferably in Africa. Program experience should include program implementation, M&E, needs assessments, reporting and proposal development and budget monitoring required

Experience with emergency Shelter programs with a view on sustainable infrastructure, Cash-for-Work programming required

Experience working with local stakeholders required

Good organizational and program management skills and the ability to anticipate program needs.

Ability to effectively represent the organization and its interests to a diverse range of stakeholders, including local and international government officials, local civil society organizations, donors, other international organizations, the media and the community.

Demonstrated proficiency with the MS Office software (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint) is required, with strong focus on Excel.

Ability to analyze databases resulting from surveys

Excellent oral and written English skills are an advantage, with local languages skills a bonus.

Proven experience in working in insecure environment and through remote management.


The successful Shelter Program Manager will be conscientious, with an excellent sense of judgment and commitment to integrity. S/he will have strong understanding of the long-term implications of humanitarian work and the importance of incorporating the development of civil society and local partners into activities.

S/he will be able to interact productively with partner and peer agencies, and demonstrate effective verbal and written communication, multi-tasking, organizational, and prioritization skills.

Demonstrated attention to detail, ability to follow procedures, meet deadlines, and work independently and cooperatively with team members is required. S/he will have interest and ability to travel and work in remote environments and awareness of and sensitivity to multi-cultural international development work and ability to train and facilitate dialogue among a diverse group of individuals with various skill sets and working styles.

Finally, s/he will be able to creatively problem-solve, juggle multiple priorities under tight deadlines, and to calmly and diplomatically deal with unexpected and sudden events impacting program operations. Patience, tenacity, dedication to improving aid delivery and a good sense of humor are key for this role.


The position will be initially based in Biu LGA, Borno state and it requires frequent travel (60%) between field locations in northeast Nigeria and Abuja country office. Considering the frequent travel from/to different field locations, this position will require flexibility in terms of accommodation and logistics. Housing in the field will be in the guesthouse where available and hotels. Security in the field locations requires additional vigilance and accessibility will be reassessed continuously.

Access to good medical services in north east is limited. Phone communication, internet, electricity and water is available but might be erratic.

The location is eligible for hardship and R&R benefits. Given the nature of the humanitarian response, working hours require flexibility and working through weekends/evenings might be necessary.

Mercy Corps Team members represent the agency both during and outside of work hours when deployed in a field posting. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and Mercy Corps policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all locations.




The Compliance Manager will assist the Country Office Management in reviewing, documenting and establishing effective financial and operational controls over the “north – east” program’s administrative and programmatic activities in its field offices and programs sites. The Compliance Manager will examine, review and analyze records, reports, financial statements and management practices to ensure adequate internal controls are in place to mitigate risks in compliance with laws, regulations, donor requirements and Mercy Corps policies and procedures.



Help identify efficient and effective solutions to operational issues which ensure compliance with Mercy Corps’ policies and donor regulations, mitigate the risk of fraud and corruption, yet also facilitate the achievement of program objectives.

Assist Programs and Finance with adapting established procedures or, as necessary, designing and documenting new procedures for program activities which involve providing a direct financial benefit to beneficiaries (i.e. Vouchers or Cash For Work).

On a sample basis, regularly perform reviews of procurement and program transactions and supporting documents to ensure transactions are in compliance with Mercy Corps policies and procedures and grant agreements and regulations;

For both the country and field offices, perform internal control reviews of in-country processes including cash management, procurement, logistics, and stock management including food commodities, assets management and coordinate with the relevant departments to correct weaknesses and improve controls as needed; prepare action plans to address findings and monitor the status of action plan implementation;

Prepare a Country Office Risk Register in conjunction with program managers and ensure quarterly updates;

In coordination with country management and HQ finance, assist with the follow-up and resolution of external audit or Mercy Corps Internal Audit findings;

Conduct regular anti-corruption and fraud prevention trainings to all staff.

Stay current on the active programs and grants of Mercy Corps Nigeria as well as their specific regulations and requirements. In coordination with Finance and Programs, develop and/or monitor grant-specific compliance trackers.

As needed, draft prior approval, waiver and other compliance requests to the donor on behalf of Mercy Corps in coordination with HQ Compliance, the country Finance Manager and individual program managers/directors.

Perform other related special projects and duties as determined and assigned by management.

Corruption and Incident Response

Following Mercy Corps procedures, serve as country focal point for the internal reporting of any incidents of fraud, corruption or bribery.

Prepare and maintain the Country Office Fraud Register and Dashboard and liaise with Headquarters legal, compliance and ethics teams in the resolution of all reported incidents.

As agreed with the Headquarters Legal department, perform corruption enquiries and investigations to determine the facts, circumstances and scope of any allegations raised.

Collect, analyze and document results of investigations and communicate observations and recommendations with the collaboration of the Country Director and senior management team, as appropriate;

Lead and support program teams in implementing and managing the country Complaints Response Mechanism;

Organizational Learning: As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve – we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.

Accountability to Beneficiaries: Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.




WORKS DIRECTLY WITH: All Department Directors, Program Directors/Program Managers, Heads of Field Offices, all MC Nigeria staff and headquarters staff as appropriate.


Sc. university degree in finance, accounting or a related business field is required; Certified Public Accountant is a plus;

5 years+ related work experience with a not-for-profit organization;

Strong background in compliance accounting and internal controls; experience in auditing strongly preferred.

Ability to work with various administrative and program levels in the organization;

Strong organizational and research skills with a broad understanding of various program sectors and activities;

Extensive knowledge of donor rules and regulations including USAID, ECHO, DFID, etc.

Demonstrated experience in financial and operational data analysis;

Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel;

Fluent written and oral communication in English. Fluency in Housa is welcomed.


The successful Compliance Manager will show ability to interact effectively with international and national personnel. A demonstrated ability to multi-task, meet deadlines and process information in support of changing program activities is necessary. A high professional standard of finance and procurement ethics as well as the willingness and ability to enforce compliance with Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures is essential. The ability to take financial data and present it in meaningful financial reports is essential.


The position will be based in Abuja, but will require frequent travel (60%) between field locations, including insecure north –east.

Security in Abuja is generally good, although there are times when security is an issue. Housing, health care, water, electricity and consumer goods are all reasonably accessible and there are good international and domestic travel options from Abuja Airport.

Abuja is an accompanied location suitable for spouse/partner or dependents.

Air travel is necessary to get to some field locations. Mobile phones services are widely available. Internet is available in all Mercy Corps offices, although might be inconsistent. Travel to field sites will be required where living conditions are clean and secure, but basic. There’s reasonable access to most consumer goods, although they can be expensive. There is good number of school with different education philosophies and curriculum ( British, American, French, German to name the few)

Considering the frequent travel from/to different field locations, this position will require flexibility in terms of accommodation and logistics. Housing in the field will be in the guesthouse ( in Biu) and hotels/guesthouse as applicable in each location. Security in the field locations require additional vigilance and accessibility will be reassessed continuously.

Given the nature of the humanitarian response, working hours require flexibility and working through weekends/evenings might be necessary.

Mercy Corps Team members represent the agency both during and outside of work hours when deployed in a field posting. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and Mercy Corps policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all locations.



Click on Job Title below:


DUE DATE: 10 December, 2016

Jobs at Mercy Corps, Saturday 12, November 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Shelter Program Manager at Mercy Corps Nigeria

Mercy Corps Nigeria’s humanitarian program aims to provide assistance to populations affected by the crisis in Northeast Nigeria. With funding from humanitarian donors including OFDA, FFP, and ECHO the humanitarian programs engage in several interventions including but not limited to food assistance, logistics and relief commodities, protection, livelihoods, WASH and capacity building of humanitarian response actors.
Mercy Corps plans to scale up and expand its humanitarian response in Northeast Nigeria to reach more beneficiaries with additional and varied assistance in a wider geographic area.

Job Title: Shelter Program Manager


  • The Shelter Program Manager is a key management position for Mercy Corps Nigeria’s emergency response to the humanitarian crisis in North East Nigeria.

  • The position has supervisory and managerial responsibilities, including directly managing all emergency shelter programs and activities implemented by Mercy Corps and funded by OFDA.

  • The Shelter Program Manager provides technical leadership and supervision to shelter program staff.

  • S/he is responsible for overseeing program implementation and ensuring achievement of program objectives in compliance with Mercy Corps, donor requirements and international standards.

  • S/he actively participates in relevant humanitarian coordination in Biu and ensures field staff participates in coordination meetings at sub-office level.

  • S/he plays a key role in program development, proposal writing, and shaping Mercy Corps’ overall program strategy for emergency and transitional programming in shelter as well as other sectors.


  • In Close Collaboration With Deputy Team Leader And Head Of Office In Biu, (and Potentially Other Sub-offices In Case Of Extension)

  • Oversee and ensure that procurement is completed, documented and delivered to end-user in a timely manner, ensuring that items procured meet specifications of the end-user while adhering to donor and Mercy Corps procurement guidelines.

  • Oversee all aspects of asset as well as stock management for the shelter items, including ensuring sound transfers between sub-offices or to the program implementation sites

  • Ensure quality and accuracy of the BoQs and Contracts, Cost estimates and any other project-related documentation needed for procurement.Managing the tendering process and monitoring contractors progress and quality of work. Ability to resolve field and construction issues

  • Create a master plan for shelter clusters to ensure safety of residents, functionality, and protection of the natural environment

  • Ensuring that land ownership is cleared and no shelter or other related infrastructure are constructed on disputed land.

Program Management and Implementation:

  • Provide leadership and management of all aspects of shelter program design, planning, implementation, quality and accountability.

  • Participate to the elaboration of technical design on shelter interventions for program proposals and budgets as requested.

  • Build the capacity of all national shelter team members with special focus to more senior positions, in program management,

  • Ensure that program implementation is responsive to communities needs for shelter and consistent with Mercy Corps’ relevant program guidelines.

  • Integrate community approaches, gender and disablement sensitivity, Do No Harm/protection mainstreaming, environmental sensitivity and capacity building into all activities as appropriate.

  • Establish, manage and coordinate work plans for all program activities, including making adjustments in response to any changes in the security situation in close coordination with the Head of Office Biu, Deputy Team Leader, and the Director Humanitarian Programs.

  • Manage the shelter program budget, including: approval of appropriate program expenses (within approval limit), tracking of program spending and financial obligations, verification of monthly budget-vs-actual reports, estimation of projected spending and submission of monthly cash forecasts, etc.

  • Manage the monitoring and evaluation system for all shelter program activities, including the planning and execution of any required evaluations, to ensure that accurate and timely information is available. Document lessons learned and best practices and integrate into program activities as appropriate.

  • Conduct regular field visits to all program sites in order to ensure that shelter programs are adapted to local needs, provide quality control assurance, and to conduct regular audits of program activities.

  • Provide regular internal and external reports on program status, as required.

Coordination And Representation:

  • Develop and maintain working relationships and coordinate with relevant international and local agencies active in the shelter working group and related coordination platforms.

  • Document and communicate program implementation experience and lessons learned to support coordination and learning efforts.

Organizational Learning:

  • As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve, we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.

Knowledge and Experience

  • BA/S in Engineering, Management, International Development or other relevant field. Related MSc or MAs is a key asset.

  • 5-7 years experience successfully managing programs and teams in the field, preferably in Africa. Program experience should include program implementation, M&E, needs assessments, reporting and proposal development and budget monitoring required

  • Experience with emergency Shelter programs with a view on sustainable infrastructure, Cash-for-Work programming required

  • Experience working with local stakeholders required

  • Good organizational and program management skills and the ability to anticipate program needs.

  • Ability to effectively represent the organization and its interests to a diverse range of stakeholders, including local and international government officials, local civil society organizations, donors, other international organizations, the media and the community.

  • Demonstrated proficiency with the MS Office software (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint) is required, with strong focus on Excel.

  • Ability to analyze databases resulting from surveys

  • Excellent oral and written English skills are an advantage, with local languages skills a bonus.

  • Proven experience in working in insecure environment and through remote management.

  • Success Factors

  • The successful Shelter Program Manager will be conscientious, with an excellent sense of judgment and commitment to integrity. S/he will have strong understanding of the long-term implications of humanitarian work and the importance of incorporating the development of civil society and local partners into activities.

  • S/he will be able to interact productively with partner and peer agencies, and demonstrate effective verbal and written communication, multi-tasking, organizational, and prioritization skills.

  • Demonstrated attention to detail, ability to follow procedures, meet deadlines, and work independently and cooperatively with team members is required. S/he will have interest and ability to travel and work in remote environments and awareness of and sensitivity to multi-cultural international development work and ability to train and facilitate dialogue among a diverse group of individuals with various skill sets and working styles.

  • Finally, s/he will be able to creatively problem-solve, juggle multiple priorities under tight deadlines, and to calmly and diplomatically deal with unexpected and sudden events impacting program operations. Patience, tenacity, dedication to improving aid delivery and a good sense of humor are key for this role.

Location: Biu, Borno

Closing Date
Not Specified.


Jobs in Nigeria

Shelter Program Manager at Mercy Corps Nigeria

Monday, November 7, 2016

Compliance Manager at Mercy Corps Nigeria

Mercy Corps Nigeria’s humanitarian program aims to provide assistance to populations affected by the crisis in north-east Nigeria. With funding from humanitarian donors including OFDA, FFP, and ECHO the humanitarian program has been focusing on food assistance, non-food items distribution, protection, livelihoods support, WASH and capacity building of humanitarian response actors. Mercy Corps plans to scale up and expand its humanitarian response in north-east Nigeria to reach more beneficiaries with additional and varied assistance in a wider geographic area.

Job Title: Compliance Manager 


  • Help identify efficient and effective solutions to operational issues which ensure compliance with Mercy Corps’ policies and donor regulations, mitigate the risk of fraud and corruption, yet also facilitate the achievement of program objectives.

  • Assist Programs and Finance with adapting established procedures or, as necessary, designing and documenting new procedures for program activities which involve providing a direct financial benefit to beneficiaries (i.e. Vouchers or Cash For Work).

  • On a sample basis, regularly perform reviews of procurement and program transactions and supporting documents to ensure transactions are in compliance with Mercy Corps policies and procedures and grant agreements and regulations;

  • For both the country and field offices, perform internal control reviews of in-country processes including cash management, procurement, logistics, and stock management including food commodities, assets management and coordinate with the relevant departments to correct weaknesses and improve controls as needed; prepare action plans to address findings and monitor the status of action plan implementation;

  • Prepare a Country Office Risk Register in conjunction with program managers and ensure quarterly updates;

  • In coordination with country management and HQ finance, assist with the follow-up and resolution of external audit or Mercy Corps Internal Audit findings;

  • Conduct regular anti-corruption and fraud prevention trainings to all staff.

  • Stay current on the active programs and grants of Mercy Corps Nigeria as well as their specific regulations and requirements. In coordination with Finance and Programs, develop and/or monitor grant-specific compliance trackers.

  • As needed, draft prior approval, waiver and other compliance requests to the donor on behalf of Mercy Corps in coordination with HQ Compliance, the country Finance Manager and individual program managers/directors.

  • Perform other related special projects and duties as determined and assigned by management.


  • BSc. university degree in finance, accounting or a related business field is required; Certified Public Accountant is a plus;

  • 5 years+ related work experience with a not-for-profit organization;

  • Strong background in compliance accounting and internal controls; experience in auditing strongly preferred.

  • Ability to work with various administrative and program levels in the organization;

  • Strong organizational and research skills with a broad understanding of various program sectors and activities;

  • Extensive knowledge of donor rules and regulations including USAID, ECHO, DFID, etc.

  • Demonstrated experience in financial and operational data analysis;

  • Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel;

  • Fluent written and oral communication in English. Fluency in Housa is welcomed.


  • The position will be based in Abuja, but will require frequent travel (60%) between field locations, including insecure north -east.

  • Security in Abuja is generally good, although there are times when security is an issue. Housing, health care, water, electricity and consumer goods are all reasonably accessible and there are good international and domestic travel options from Abuja Airport.

  • Abuja is an accompanied location suitable for spouse/partner or dependents.

  • Air travel is necessary to get to some field locations. Mobile phones services are widely available. 

  • Internet is available in all Mercy Corps offices, although might be inconsistent. 

  • Travel to field sites will be required where living conditions are clean and secure, but basic. There’s reasonable access to most consumer goods, although they can be expensive. 

  • There is good number of school with different education philosophies and curriculum ( British, American, French, German to name the few)

  • Considering the frequent travel from/to different field locations, this position will require flexibility in terms of accommodation and logistics. 

  • Housing in the field will be in the guesthouse ( in Biu) and hotels/guesthouse as applicable in each location. 

  • Security in the field locations require additional vigilance and accessibility will be reassessed continuously.

Location: Abuja

Jobs in Nigeria

Compliance Manager at Mercy Corps Nigeria

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Human Resource Vacancy at Mercy Corps, Wednesday 28, September 2016

Mercy Corps is an international relief and development organization working in over 40 countries worldwide helping people build secure, productive and just communities. Mercy Corps Nigeria implements a variety of programs with the ultimate goal of building productive, secure and just communities. The organization’s programs are implemented in twelve states, mainly in north and north east parts of Nigeria and Lagos. Our work covers the following sectors: economic development, livelihoods/food security, adolescent girls & boys empowerment, financial resilience, conflict mitigation and humanitarian response. Common themes include community engagement, inclusive development, gender, and working in partnership with local government, the private sector and civil society actors.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:



The Human Resources Manager is a position based in Abuja with travel to field office as requested. The position provides specialized support to Mercy Corps’ programs in Nigeria, assisting in the achievement of Mercy Corps goals by facilitating policy and systems for human resource needs to ensure efficient and effective operations.

This position is responsible for ensuring that human resources practices and objectives provide an employee-oriented, high performance culture that emphasizes empowerment, quality, goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing development of a committed and skilled workforce.

The Human Resources Manager will coordinate implementation of services, policies, and programs through Human Resources staff.

The Human Resource Manager is a senior position reporting directly to the Country Director and is part of the Senior Leadership Team.


Human Resource Management:

Implement transparent and appropriate HR practices, standards/procedures and policies in accordance with Mercy Corps Nigeria Employee Handbook to strengthen the Human Resources (HR) function overall. This should include the rollout of the Handbook in the offices, training of HR/Admin staff, improvement of electronic and paper personal files, improvement in personal database files and leave tracking.

Manage and ensure that all Mercy Corps Human Resources processes and record-keeping are in compliance with the human resource policies (including HR forms, timesheet, employee data sheets, ID cards, disciplinary papers, performance evaluations and other HR files) and management of required information for compensation and benefits administration.

Identify weaknesses in current HR systems. Advise supervisor on outstanding issues and assist in designing and implementing, as required.

Provide guidelines and technical assistance related to the Human Resources function to all Mercy Corps staff.

Oversee the monthly procedure of time allocation for all staff including collection, review and compilation into payroll, and training new staff on timesheet procedure. Process monthly timesheet summary in conjunction with finance staff and ensure payroll is delivered in a timely manner to all offices.

Participate in recruitment, disciplinary and termination meetings of all national staff in coordination with Country Director and Program Manager/Director. Ensure recruitment processes allow Mercy Corps Nigeria to hire top-quality staff members.

Ensure that onboarding process is developed and conducted leading to new hires smooth transition to Mercy Corps.

Ensure that leave tracking system is functional and up to date.

Work with senior managers and director to ensure that they and staff follow procedures, policies, performance review are conducted on time and staff takes regular annual leave.

Oversee the clearance of terminated employees, as per Mercy Corps Nigeria policies and procedures.

Manage all human resource related legal issues in compliance with Nigeria labor law.

Determine and recommend employee relations practices necessary to establish a positive employer-employee relationship and promote a high level of employee morale and motivation within the offices.

Responsible for the review process of the Mercy Corps Nigeria National Handbook.

Ensure diversity in Mercy Corps teams.

Training and Development:

Put in place a staff development plans.

Ensure the effective implementation of the performance management system that includes performance development plans and work plans and employee development programs. This including building the capacity of national staff through internal and external trainings.

Train managers on how to efficiently conduct performance appraisals.

Lead high-qualify new staff induction and orientation programs for new employees and visitors. Ensure that Mercy Corps’ orientation process is followed.

Identify and develop diverse and skilled sources of talent; coordinate hiring activities across field offices to insure continuity and best practice.

Work closely with all senior managers to ensure that staff development plans are in place for all team members and that indicators of success are developed and measured.


Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work: participation, transparency, feedback and learning, and complaint mechanisms.

Organizational Learning:

As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve – we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.

Supervisory Responsibility:

HR team.

Reports Directly to:



Mercy Corps operation staff, finance, program team and partner organizations, other Mercy Corps staff.


Competencies Required:

Broad knowledge and experience in employment law, compensation, benefits administration, organizational planning and development, employee relations, safety, training and development and office administration.

Must have a working knowledge and be current with all relevant employment related laws.

Excellent analytical skills and good reasoning abilities and sound judgment.

Strong oral and written communication skills. Superior interpersonal and coaching skills including patience and ability to work well with staff at all levels.

Proven experience in Crisis/ Conflict Management.

Proven success in managing an HR team.

Demonstrated ability to successfully participate in senior management teams that provide leadership and strategic direction.

Must have unparalleled business acumen and must possess project management skills

Must exhibit a high level of initiative, flexibility and credibility


At least a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management or in a related field

5-7 years of professional experience with at least 5 years of progressive and hands-on HR generalist experience evident in multiple human resource disciplines, including compensation practices, organizational diagnosis, employee and union relations, diversity, performance management, and relevant employment laws

Membership of relevant professional body (CIPM, SHRM, etc) is an added advantage

Fluency in English is required. Hausa will be a plus.


The successful candidate will be proactive, creative and a problem solver. S/he will be conscientious with an excellent sense of judgment.

S/he will be able to thrive in a fast-paced environment and will be capable of multitasking.

S/he will demonstrate strong understanding of cultural and social environment in the region and have the willingness and ability to work effectively with a wide verity of people.

Mercy Corps team members represent the agency both during and outside of work hours when deployed in a field posting or on a visit/TDY to a field posting.

Staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and Mercy Corps’ policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.


Applicants should submit their Cover Letter  and CV in one document, addressing the position requirements to:


All applications must include the position title in the subject line. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

We are an equal opportunity organization and we strongly encourage women to apply for this position.

DUE DATE: 10 October, 2016

Human Resource Vacancy at Mercy Corps, Wednesday 28, September 2016

Monday, September 26, 2016

Drivers at Mercy Corps Nigeria

Mercy Corps Nigeria’s humanitarian program aims to provide assistance to populations affected by the crisis in Northeast Nigeria. With funding from humanitarian donors including OFDA, FFP, and ECHO the humanitarian programs engage in several interventions including but not limited to food assistance, logistics and relief commodities, protection, livelihoods, WASH and capacity building of humanitarian response actors.

Mercy Corps plans to scale up and expand its humanitarian response in Northeast Nigeria to reach more beneficiaries with additional and varied assistance in a wider geographic area. Mercy Corps plans to implement a program in 2 states “ISING” or Investing in the safety and integrity of Nigerian girls targeting adolescent girls and boys affected by the conflict in the Northeast.

Job Title:  Driver

Job Description

  • The Driver will work within Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte operational support structure which is committed to provide reliable and compliant support to program activities in order to achieve efficient service to program beneficiaries.

  • The driver will provide safe, transport services for Humanitarian program and support staff in relations to Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte activities.

  • The driver will adhere to all traffic and Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte safety rules and transport guidelines.

  • Operate Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte Humanitarian program vehicle as assigned by supervisor in a safe and secure manner.

  • Maintain vehicle log-sheets in accordance with MC policies/regulations and report to the Operations Officer at the end of the month.

  • Check the vehicle conditions after each trip/routinely – report needs and problems to Operations Officer;

  • Adhere to Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte safety and communication protocols as advised by Operations Officer;

  • Responsible for the safekeeping of all vehicle equipment, tools, first aid kits, spares etc.;

  • Keep the vehicle ready, clean and on standby – ready for  use at all times;

  • Assist, as required, with logistics in the office and guesthouse daily workloads;

  • Cooperate and be of assistance to staff and visitors – assist in troubleshooting potential problems during daily business;

  • Report all maintenance needs of the vehicle to on a regular basis;

  • Undertake field assignments as assigned;

  • Adherence to Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte policies and procedures as outlined in the policies and procedure manuals;

  • Conduct himself/herself both professionally and personally in such a manner as to bring credit to Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte and to not jeopardize its humanitarian mission in country of operation;

  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Valid driver’s license and experience driving 4×4 vehicles.

  • Must demonstrate knowledge and application of all safety and traffic rules.

  • Basic understanding of English and fluency in Kanuri and Hausa will be an added advantage.

  • Knowledge of routes, duty stations, project areas, the NGO and diplomatic community is required

  • Success Factors:

  • The successful candidate will have a can-do attitude. Ideally s/he will have previous experience in working in large-scale emergency programs in insecure and conflict-affected contexts.

  • A clear understanding of driver ethics as well as the willingness and ability to enforce compliance with Mercy Corps policies and procedures is essential.  A high level of personal integrity, honesty and transparency in all dealings is essential.

  • The ability to interact effectively with international and national staff members is required.  A demonstrated ability to work quickly and accurately, meet deadlines and process information in support of changing program activities is necessary.


Closing Date: 6th October, 2016.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV’s and Cover Letter in one document, addressing the position requirements to:

Jobs in Nigeria

Drivers at Mercy Corps Nigeria

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Latest Job Vacancies at Mercy Corps, Saturday 24, September 2016

Mercy Corps Nigeria’s humanitarian program aims to provide assistance to populations affected by the crisis in Northeast Nigeria. With funding from humanitarian donors including OFDA, FFP, EU, and ECHO the humanitarian programs engage in several interventions including but not limited to food assistance, non-food items (NFI), protection, livelihoods, cash transfers, WASH and capacity building of humanitarian response actors. Mercy Corps is scaling-up and expanding its humanitarian response in Northeast Nigeria to reach more beneficiaries with additional assistance in a wider geographic area.

We are recruiting to fill the position of:


Biu – Borno State


The Field Finance Manager is a member of the senior management team for the field operations of the humanitarian portfolio, and as such is responsible for all aspects of financial management of the humanitarian programs, working collaboratively to ensure compliance with Mercy Corps internal policies and procedures as well as donor regulations.

S/he works under the direction of the Head of Office and is responsible for all financial functions in North East Nigeria, including accounting, payments and banking, budgeting, financial reporting and grant financial management and compliance, in addition to technical capacity building of field finance staff.

The Field Finance Manager, in support of the Program Department, provides timely reports and assistance to the Director of Humanitarian Programs and the Program team to ensure that financial resources are used efficiently and effectively.

Mercy Corps has been present in Nigeria since December 2012, focusing its interventions on adolescent girls’ empowerment, economic development and conflict mitigation. With the insurgency spilling over from the north-east of Nigeria and causing displacement of millions of individuals, Mercy Corps has decided to address the rising humanitarian needs among displaced households and vulnerable host communities by starting its humanitarian program in July 2014.

Mercy Corps Nigeria’s humanitarian program aims to provide assistance to populations affected by the crisis in north-east Nigeria.

With funding from humanitarian donors including OFDA, FFP, ECHO and the EUTF the humanitarian program has been focusing on food assistance, non-food items distribution, protection, livelihoods support, WASH and capacity building of humanitarian response actors.

Mercy Corps plans to scale up and expand its humanitarian response in north-east Nigeria to reach more beneficiaries with additional and varied assistance in a wider geographic area.

All Mercy Corps interventions in Nigeria are implemented in a conflict and gender sensitive manner.


Team Management:

Create a sustainable work environment of mutual respect that attracts motivated, skilled and effective team members and enables them individually and collectively to strive to achieve excellence.

Supervise and lead a diverse team of direct and indirect reports in field offices and conduct timely performance reviews and establish development plans.

Contribute to field office team-building efforts; build constructive internal relationships; help team members identify problem solving options and ensure integration of all team members into relevant decision-making processes.

Support the finance team to develop their technical finance skills through routine coaching and guidance.

Operations – Financial:

Ensure effective, transparent use of financial resources in compliance with Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures.

Maintain banking relations and plan and monitor field cash flow requirements to ensure the smooth implementation of Mercy Corps programs.

Provide monthly standard accounting submissions to Mercy Corps Abuja, including account reconciliations, expenditures by fund/project, required subgrantee reporting, as well as other financial information in a timely and accurate manner.

Provide monthly management reports to the Director of Humanitarian Programs and Program Managers, including expenditures by fund/project, subgrantee reporting and other financial information, in a timely and accurate manner.

Develop grant budgeting and forecasting systems with Program Managers.

Lead in the roll out of finance systems and procedure documentation in the field offices, ensure that all finance transactions are in compliance with Mercy Corps policies and procedures.


Perform the financial review of purchase requests, purchase orders, and payment requests to ensure compliance with MC policies and procedures and donors grants and contracts requirements.

Perform compliance reviews of field office processes including procurement, logistics, stock management, and coordinate with the relevant departments to correct and improve as needed


Assist in the preparation of the monthly field cash flow projections to be submitted to Abuja

Assist in the preparation, maintenance and consolidation of office operational budgets.

Review and work with program managers on the monthly end grant spending reports (BVAs)

Consolidate and prepare budget projections.


Assist and support the Country Finance Manager in the process review of the month end closing including but not limited to :

Review of field journals to ensure proper coding of all transactions;

Posting of transactions daily to Field Connect

The monthly reconciliation of balance sheet accounts as requested by Country FM;

The monthly payroll preparation process;

Assist and support the Country Finance Manager in the month end and year end closing reports.

Set-up and maintain the grant files, maintain and distribute current copies of the approved coded budgets to all relevant parties.

Maintain subgrant financial files, process subgrantee payments and reconcile subgrant financial tracking to general ledger reports.

Accountability: Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.

Organizational Learning: As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve – we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.

Supervisory Responsibility: finance department staff and Abuja-based SFO


Reports Directly to: Head of Office, with dotted-line technical reporting to Country Finance Manager

Works Directly with: Members of Operations, Program Managers and others.


A BA/S or equivalent in Accounting or Finance required; advanced Degree preferred.

A professional qualification is required

At least 4 + years of progressive financial management experience, including supervisory experience required.

At least 4 years’ experience in grants management as well as an understanding of ECHO/FFP/OFDA/EU regulations required.

At least 3 years’ international experience required; international NGO/PVO field office experience is preferred.

Demonstrated experience and skill with budget preparation and analysis, financial reporting preparation and presentation and the proven ability to translate technical financial data into informative reports.

Strong accounting skills and experience, including management of the general ledger, journal entries, payroll, payables and balance sheet.

Prior management experience and strong organizational skills.

Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel.

Effective verbal and written communication, multi-tasking, organizational and prioritization skills.

Excellent oral and written English skills required; knowledge of Hausa is highly desirable.

Ability to work effectively with an ethnically diverse team in a sensitive environment.

Previous experience in insecure environments.


The successful candidate will have an ability to interact effectively across international and national program and finance teams successfully, both in a managerial as well as training capacity.

S/he will be able to support programmatic objectives with timely and meaningful financial information, have a demonstrated ability to multi-task, and meet deadlines and process information in support of changing program activities.

An impeccable professional standard of finance and procurement ethics and the willingness and ability to enforce compliance with Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures is essential.

The Finance Manager must be willing to travel regularly to Mercy Corps field offices and project sites.

The most successful Mercy Corps staff members have a strong commitment to teamwork and accountability, thrive in evolving and changing environments and make effective written and verbal communication a priority in all situations.

Living Conditions:

The position will be based in Biu town ( Biu LGA south of Borno state) and requires substantial amount of travel between field locations in Gombe, Adamawa and Borno states.

Considering the frequent travel from/to different field locations, this position will require flexibility in terms of accommodation and logistics.

Housing will be in hotels or guesthouse where available. Security in the field locations require additional vigilance and accessibility will be reassessed continuously.

Access to good medical services in North East Nigeria is limited. Phone communication, internet, electricity and water in main urban centers are available but might be erratic.

The location is eligible for hardship and R&R (every 10 weeks) benefits. Working hours require flexibility and working through weekends/evenings might be necessary.


Biu – Borno


The Driver will work within Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte operational support structure which is committed to provide reliable and compliant support to program activities in order to achieve efficient service to program beneficiaries.

The driver will provide safe, transport services for Humanitarian program and support staff in relations to Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte activities.

The driver will adhere to all traffic and Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte safety rules and transport guidelines.


Operate Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte Humanitarian program vehicle as assigned by supervisor in a safe and secure manner.

Maintain vehicle log-sheets in accordance with MC policies/regulations and report to the Operations Officer at the end of the month.

Check the vehicle conditions after each trip/routinely – report needs and problems to Operations Officer;

Adhere to Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte safety and communication protocols as advised by Operations Officer;

Responsible for the safekeeping of all vehicle equipment, tools, first aid kits, spares etc.;

Keep the vehicle ready, clean and on standby – ready for  use at all times;

Assist, as required, with logistics in the office and guesthouse daily workloads;

Cooperate and be of assistance to staff and visitors – assist in troubleshooting potential problems during daily business;

Report all maintenance needs of the vehicle to on a regular basis;

Undertake field assignments as assigned;

Adherence to Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte policies and procedures as outlined in the policies and procedure manuals;

Conduct himself/herself both professionally and personally in such a manner as to bring credit to Mercy Corps Ltd/Gte and to not jeopardize its humanitarian mission in country of operation;

Other duties as assigned.


Valid driver’s license and experience driving 4×4 vehicles.

Must demonstrate knowledge and application of all safety and traffic rules.

Basic understanding of English and fluency in Kanuri and Hausa will be an added advantage.

Knowledge of routes, duty stations, project areas, the NGO and diplomatic community is required

Success Factors:

The successful candidate will have a can-do attitude. Ideally s/he will have previous experience in working in large-scale emergency programs in insecure and conflict-affected contexts.

A clear understanding of driver ethics as well as the willingness and ability to enforce compliance with Mercy Corps policies and procedures is essential.  A high level of personal integrity, honesty and transparency in all dealings is essential.

The ability to interact effectively with international and national staff members is required.  A demonstrated ability to work quickly and accurately, meet deadlines and process information in support of changing program activities is necessary.

Application Closing Date

6th October, 2016.


Click on Job Title below to apply:


Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV’s and Cover Letter in one document, addressing the position requirements to:


All applications must include the position title in the subject line and not more than 4 pages.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

We are an equal opportunity organization and we strongly encourage women to apply for this position.

DUE DATE: 22 October, 2016

Latest Job Vacancies at Mercy Corps, Saturday 24, September 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Career at Mercy Corps, Tuesday 30, August 2016

Mercy Corps has been present in Nigeria since December 2012, focusing its interventions on adolescent girls’ empowerment, economic development and conflict mitigation. With the insurgency spilling over from the north-east of Nigeria and causing displacement of millions of individuals, Mercy Corps has decided to address the rising humanitarian needs among displaced households and vulnerable host communities by starting its humanitarian programs in July 2014.

With funding from humanitarian donors including OFDA, FFP, and ECHO the humanitarian program has been focusing on food assistance, non-food items distribution, protection, livelihoods support, WASH and capacity building of humanitarian response actors.

Mercy Corps plans to scale up and expand its humanitarian response in north-east Nigeria to reach more beneficiaries with additional and varied assistance in a wider geographic area.



The WASH Program Manager is a key management position for Mercy Corps Nigeria’s emergency response to the humanitarian crisis in North East Nigeria. The positions has supervisory and managerial responsibilities, including directly managing all emergency WASH programs and activities implemented by Mercy Corps and funded by multiple donors. The WASH Program Manager provides technical leadership and supervision to WASH program staff. S/he is responsible for overseeing program implementation and ensuring achievement of program objectives in compliance with Mercy Corps, donor requirements and international standards.

S/he actively participates in relevant humanitarian coordination in Biu and ensures field staff participates in coordination meetings at sub-office level. S/he plays a key role in program development, proposal writing, and shaping Mercy Corps’ overall program strategy for emergency and transitional programming in WASH as well as other sectors.



In close collaboration with Deputy Team Leader and Head of Office in Biu, (and potentially other sub-offices in case of extension):

Oversee and ensure that procurement is completed, documented and delivered to end-user in a timely manner, ensuring that items procured meet specifications of the end-user while adhering to donor and Mercy Corps procurement guidelines.

Oversee all aspects of asset as well as stock management for the WASH items, including ensuring sound transfers between sub-offices or to the program implementation sites

Ensure quality and accuracy of the BoQs and Contracts, Cost estimates and any other project-related documentation needed for procurement.

Program Management and Implementation

Provide leadership and management of all aspects of WASH program design, planning, implementation, quality and accountability.

Participate to the elaboration of technical design on WASH interventions for program proposals and budgets as requested.

Build the capacity of all national WASH team members with special focus to more senior positions, in program management,

Ensure that program implementation is responsive to communities needs for WASH and Nutrition and consistent with Mercy Corps’ relevant program guidelines.

Integrate community approaches, gender and disablement sensitivity, Do No Harm/protection mainstreaming, environmental sensitivity and capacity building into all activities as appropriate.

Establish, manage and coordinate work plans for all program activities, including making adjustments in response to any changes in the security situation in close coordination with the Head of Office Biu, Deputy Team Leader, and the Director Humanitarian Programs – Programs.

Manage the WASH program budget, including: approval of appropriate program expenses (within approval limit), tracking of program spending and financial obligations, verification of monthly budget-vs-actual reports, estimation of projected spending and submission of monthly cash forecasts, etc.

Manage the monitoring and evaluation system for all WASH program activities, including the planning and execution of any required evaluations, to ensure that accurate and timely information is available. Document lessons learned and best practices and integrate into program activities as appropriate.

Conduct regular field visits to all program sites in order to ensure that WASH programs are adapted to local needs, provide quality control assurance, and to conduct regular audits of program activities.

Provide regular internal and external reports on program status, as required.

Coordination and Representation:

Develop and maintain working relationships and coordinate with relevant international and local agencies active in the WASH working group and related coordination platforms.

Document and communicate program implementation experience and lessons learned to support coordination and learning efforts.


Other duties as assigned.

Organizational Learning: As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve, we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.


Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.


This position requires supervision of a team of approximately 5 national staff. The WASH Program Manager is responsible for the direct supervision of emergency WASH program staff in field locations in North East Nigeria.



WORKS DIRECTLY WITH: The WASH Program Manager works directly with the humanitarian program and operations staff in the field.


BA/S in engineering, management, international development or other relevant field. Related MSc or MAs is a key asset.

Significant experience successfully managing programs and teams in the field, preferably in Africa. Program experience should include program implementation, M&E, needs assessments, reporting and proposal development and budget monitoring required

Experience with emergency WASH programs with a view on sustainable infrastructure, Cash-for-Work and hygiene education programming required

Experience working with local stakeholders required

Good organizational and program management skills and the ability to anticipate program needs.

Ability to effectively represent the organization and its interests to a diverse range of stakeholders, including local and international government officials, local civil society organizations, donors, other international organizations, the media and the community.

Demonstrated proficiency with the MS Office software (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint) is required, with strong focus on Excel.

Ability to analyze databases resulting from surveys

Excellent oral and written English skills are an advantage, with local languages skills a bonus.

Proven experience in working in insecure environment and through remote management.


The successful WASH Program Manager will be conscientious, with an excellent sense of judgment and commitment to integrity. S/he will have strong understanding of the long-term implications of humanitarian work and the importance of incorporating the development of civil society and local partners into activities.

S/he will be able to interact productively with partner and peer agencies, and demonstrate effective verbal and written communication, multi-tasking, organizational, and prioritization skills.

Demonstrated attention to detail, ability to follow procedures, meet deadlines, and work independently and cooperatively with team members is required. S/he will have interest and ability to travel and work in remote environments and awareness of and sensitivity to multi-cultural international development work and ability to train and facilitate dialogue among a diverse group of individuals with various skill sets and working styles.

Finally, s/he will be able to creatively problem-solve, juggle multiple priorities under tight deadlines, and to calmly and diplomatically deal with unexpected and sudden events impacting program operations. Patience, tenacity, dedication to improving aid delivery and a good sense of humor are key for this role.


The position will be based in Biu town ( Biu LGA south of Borno state) and requires substantial amount of travel between field locations in Gombe, Adamawa and Borno states. Considering the frequent travel from/to different field locations, this position will require flexibility in terms of accommodation and logistics. Housing will be in hotels or guesthouse where available. Security in the field locations require additional vigilance and accessibility will be reassessed continuously.

Access to good medical services in North East Nigeria is limited. Phone communication, internet, electricity and water in main urban centers are available but might be erratic.

The location is eligible for hardship and R&R (every 10 weeks) benefits. Working hours require flexibility and working through weekends/evenings might be necessary.

Mercy Corps Team members represent the agency both during and outside of work hours when deployed in a field posting or on a visit/TDY to a field posting. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and MC’s policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.


Career at Mercy Corps, Tuesday 30, August 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016

Graduates: Finance Assistant at Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps, An International Humanitarian Organisation is looking for a suitable candidate to fill a very strategic position within our management team. We are looking for a motivated individual, who is enthusiastic about the work we do and is looking to work within a dynamic team as:

Job Title: Finance Assistant (YOU SB)

Location: Maiduguri, with significant travel to field locations, including Northeast Nigeria

Job Summary
The Finance Assistant  under the direction of the YOU SB Deputy Program Manager and Finance Manager in Abuja will assist in the processing and recording of payment transactions in timely and accurate manner.

Essential Job Functions

  • Facilitate review of documentation submitted for review, approval and payment for accuracy and completeness.

  • Maintain office petty cash account and process payments as required by policy.

  • Prepare documentation for financial processing and facilitate submission to main office for payment.

  • Contribute to an efficient filing system such that files are updated, complete and safeguarded

  • Identify and resolve invoicing issues, accounting discrepancies and other financial related issues.

  • Adherence to all MC policies and procedures as outlined in MC policies and procedure manuals;

  • Conduct himself/herself both professionally and personally in such a manner as to bring credit to Mercy Corps and to not jeopardize its humanitarian mission in country of operation;

  • Other duties as assigned.

Knowledge and Experience

  • Minimum 1 year of bookkeeping, accounting and finance. 

  • Experience in development sector is desirable.

  • A degree in Accounting or a relevant business field is desirable.

  • Strong computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel is a must.

  • Accuracy in the processing of cash transactions, mathematical aptitude and attention to detail

  • Excellent oral and written English skills

  • Fluency in Hausa language is needed

Closing Date 
31st August, 2016.

How To Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV’s and Cover Letter, addressing the position requirements to:

All applications must include the position title in the subject line.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
We are an equal opportunity organization and we encourage women to apply to this position.

Jobs in Nigeria

Graduates: Finance Assistant at Mercy Corps

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Fresh Listings from Mercy Corps Nigeria (Graduate & Experienced) [3 Positions]

Mercy Corps, An International Humanitarian Organization is looking for a suitable candidate to fill a very strategic position within our Conflict Management team in Borno State. We are looking for a motivated individual, who is enthusiastic about the work we do and is looking to work within a dynamic team.

We are  recruiting to fill the following graduate and experienced positions below:

Job Title: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Assistant-ENGINE

Program/Department Summary

  • The Educating Nigerian Girls in New Enterprises (ENGINE) program seeks to improve the lives of marginalised adolescent girls aged 16-19 in Nigeria.

  • The project which is funded through a grant to the Coca-Cola Company as part of the UK Department for International Development’s Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) is being implemented in Lagos, Kano, Kaduna, and the FCT.

  • About 18,000 adolescent girls who are either enrolled in school or are currently out of school are the target beneficiary of the program.

  • The ENGINE program is being implemented by a consortium which includes Mercy Corps, Preston Health Care Consulting and the Nike Foundation.

Essential Job Functions

  • Manage ENGINE data management platforms (SPSS, CSpro, Excel)

  • Perform data analysis and present monthly report based on project indicators

  • Conduct collation and entry of data from ENGINE data collection tool including but not limited to; post-test questionnaire, Matching Interest to Work (MiW), Attendance summary, academic curricular pretest score and School performance record

  • Perform regular update of ENGINE data management platforms

  • Coordinate data entry clerks

  • Support development of monthly M&E report, factsheet

  • Perform any other assignment as required by the supervisor

Supervisory Responsibility:


  • Reports directly to ENGINE MEL Officer (100%)

Works Directly With:

  • MEL team, Programs unit, I&E team

Knowledge and Experience

  • Degree in Computer Science, IT, information management, or relevant field, with a strong foundation in database management

  • Minimum 1-3 years of work experience in the area of qualitative and quantitative M&E methodologies, database management and report writing

  • Knowledge of program development, implementation, evaluation, and reporting

  • Fluency in written and verbal English and Hausa required.

Success Factors:

  • The successful MEL Assistant will have the ability to multi-task, set priorities, and work under tight deadlines within a complex team.

  • S/he will demonstrate strong interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills and be committed to the values and mission of Mercy Corps.

  • S/he will take initiative and contribute to team efforts, as well as demonstrate ability to communicate.

Living/Environmental Conditions:

  • This position will be based in Abuja with up to 25% travel primarily to locations within Northern States where security is at times high-risk.

  • Security in Abuja is generally good. Housing, health care, water, electricity and consumer goods are all reasonably accessible and there are good international and domestic travel options from Abuja Airport.

  • Mercy Corps Team members represent the agency both during and outside of work hours when deployed in a field posting or on a visit/TDY to a field posting. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and Mercy Corps’ policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.


Job Title: Human Resources Manager

Job Description
Program/Department Summary:

  • Mercy Corps has been present in Nigeria since 2012, focusing its interventions on conflict mitigation, adolescent girls’ empowerment, economic development and humanitarian assistance. With funding from variety of government donors and foundations, Mercy Corps has been able to work together with communities in Nigeria to respond to these needs, bringing benefit to more than 50,000 beneficiaries per year. All Mercy

  • Corps interventions in Nigeria are implemented in a conflict and gender sensitive manner.

  • With the rapid growth and increasing activities in Mercy Corps, there is the need for a middle management staff to complement management’s efforts at sustaining the resolve to meet its HRM objectives.

General Position Summary

  • The HR Manager is responsible for coordinating activities within the HR unit, ensuring excellence and timely delivery on job requirements. The HR Manager is required to provide efficient oversight function in the management of human resources activities for Mercy Corps programs in Nigeria; assist in the achievement of Mercy Corps program objectives with the facilitation of recruitment, remuneration and staff development issues.

  • The Human Resources Manager will be based in Abuja with frequent travels to project locations including the North East

Essential Job Functions

  • Ensure an effective and efficient HR system

  • Assist Operations Manager in designing and implementing improvement strategies in the HR unit

  • Responsible for ensuring efficient filing of personnel files for all staff – including recruitment documents,

  • CVs, valid contracts, PAFs, timesheets, employee data sheets, disciplinary papers and performance evaluations:

  • Ensure recruitment of national staff adheres to Mercy Corp approved standard Recruitment Policies and Procedures

  • Ensure adequate participation of HR Department in interviews for new staff;

  • Ensure approved Salaries and benefits adhere to Mercy Corps salary scales and protocols

  • Ensure Mercy Corps Nigeria personnel policies strictly adhere to Nigerian labour law as applicable; this includes payment of appropriate taxes, benefits etc.;

  • Maintain a tracking system for all leave types taken by employees;

  • Maintain up-to- date staffing lists; preferably filing by program and department;

  • Ensure that employee performance evaluations are completed as scheduled;

  • Ensure that all national staff have an up-to- date relevant job description;

  • Coordinate coverage for operations during annual leave of key national staff with management;

  • Oversee the monthly procedure of timesheets for all staff including collection, review and compilation into payroll; train new staff on timesheet procedure;

  • Process monthly payroll in conjunction with finance staff and ensure payroll is delivered in a timely manner;

Position Description

  • Responsible for ensuring adequate orientation of all new, national staff on Mercy Corps Nigeria

  • Ensure all new staff receive copies of Nigeria National Staff Policy Handbook and are alerted to

  • Support and advice on policies, as required;

  • Advise staff (national and international) on disciplinary procedures;

  • Advise staff (national and international) on raise policies and procedures;

  • Assist management in conducting or arranging for trainings and/or other human resource

  • Oversee the clearance of terminated employees, as per Mercy Corp policies and procedures;

  • Participate in disciplinary, hiring and termination meetings with program staff upon request;

  • Maintain confidentiality of all national staff personnel issues including disciplinary procedures and

  • Conduct himself/herself both professionally and personally in such a manner as to bring credit to

  • Other duties as assigned.

Supervisory Responsibility:

  • The HR Manager directly supervises the HR Officer


  • Reports directly to: Operations Manager

  • Works directly with: Program, logistics and finance team

Knowledge and Experience

  • Education: at least Bachelor Degree in Business Management / Administration or equivalent professional certificates in Human Resources Management;

  • At least three (3) years’ HR management experience, preferably with an NGO and in a managerial capacity.

  • Ability to translate letters, reports and meetings as required.

  • Demonstrated attention to detail, following procedures, meeting deadlines and working and problem-solving independently and cooperatively.

  • Knowledge of Mercy Corps systems and procedures (esp. procurement systems) desirable; M&E experience preferred and knowledge of US, EU and DFID regulations helpful.

  • Excellent negotiation and representation skills.

  • Effective verbal and written communication, organizational, prioritization and Microsoft Office applications.

  • Excellent oral and written English skills required;

  • Ability to work effectively with an ethnically diverse team in a sensitive environment systems, policies and procedures;


  • Development activities;

  • Contracts/ pay rates;

  • Mercy Corps and to not jeopardize its humanitarian mission.

Success Factors:

  • A successful candidate will have strong diplomacy skills in managing a team with different backgrounds, abilities, and technical knowledge and will have contextual knowledge of Northern Nigeria. She/he will use effective communication and team-building techniques, have excellent organizational and strong interpersonal skills and display an even temperament and good sense of humor.

  • Organizational Learning:

  • As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve – we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.

Accountability to Beneficiaries:

  • Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.

  • Mercy Corps Team members represent the agency both during and outside of work hours when deployed in a field posting or on a visit/TDY to a field posting. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and Mercy Corps’ policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.


Job Title: Household Economic Strengthening Manager

Program/Department Summary

  • The Household Economic Strengthening Manager will play an important role in the implementation of a five-year program in Northern Nigeria supporting the capacity of Nigerian institutions to scale up care and support services for Orphans and Vulnerable Orphans (OVC) households.

General Position Summary

  • The Household Economic Strengthening Manager will provide overall technical direction on Household Economic Strengthening of the program that is funded by USAID and managed by the lead grant holder– Save the Children.

  • S/he will assist with the development of innovative economic strengthening strategies for vulnerable households to compliment other Nigerian government, private sector and international donor funded program interventions by strengthening the capacity of Nigerian entities (NGOs, CSO, local financial institutions).

  • S/he will guide a portfolio of approaches and activities that mitigate economic vulnerability and enable targeted households to better cope with economic shocks allowing them to protect and grow financial, human and social assets.

  • S/he will facilitate relationships between households caring for OVC and public and private sector actors by identifying economic constraints and ensuring appropriate activities that have long-term viability.

  • Emphasis will be placed on market-oriented strategies to ensure sustainability of livelihood gains, including: private sector demand-driven job creation, enterprise development, financial education, value chain linkages and appropriate savings, credit and insurance services for various age groups.

  • The Household Economic Strengthening Manager will work closely with Save the Children, counterparts with other donor funded programs, and private sector actors in designing and implementing innovative economic strengthening and livelihoods support approaches.

Essential Job Functions
Program Management and Technical Oversight:

  • Work closely with counterparts in other NGOs, donor organizations, and other stakeholder groups to re-design, plan, and implement a comprehensive OVC program.

  • Provide technical support in one or more of the following areas: market-driven economic development, private sector engagement, microfinance, youth-focused financial services, financial education, village savings and loan associations (VSLA), micro-insurance, entrepreneurship development, and value chain linkages. Manage implementation of program activities, developing work plans in collaboration with counterparts in other organizations, monitoring implementation, and evaluating impact.

Operations and Management:

  • Oversee the smooth flow of routine project operations in compliance with Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures.

  • Ensure effective and transparent use of financial resources in compliance with Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures.

Representation and Coordination:

  • Liaise with private sector actors, local government officials, local NGOs and civil society organizations, local religious leaders and other notables to ensure support for and acceptance of Mercy Corps’ programs.

  • Maintain close working relationships with donors, other humanitarian and development organizations, and local partners (banks, training institutes, insurance companies, and microfinance institutions), including representing Mercy Corps at local coordination meetings as assigned.

  • Conduct himself/herself both professionally and personally in such a manner as to bring credit to Mercy Corps and to not jeopardize its humanitarian mission.

  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Work closely with the country team’s security focal point to ensure that program is contributing to and responding to safety and security plans and procedures.

  • Ensure that program is implemented with a clear analysis and understanding of security management priorities.

Organizational Learning:

  • As part of Mercy Corps’ agency-wide Organizational Learning Initiative, all team members are responsible for spending 5% of their work time in formal and/or non-formal professional learning activities.

Accountability to Beneficiaries

  • Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.

Supervisory Responsibility:

  • This position will manage several short-term consultants.

Reports Directly To:

  • Country Director, Mercy Corps Nigeria; on day to day matters reports to STEER Program Director in Kaduna.

Works Directly with:

  • Mercy Corps Nigeria team, STEER/Save the Children Program Director, Organizational Development Director

Knowledge and Experience

  • MA/S in Business, Finance, Economics, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, or related field

  • At least 5 years work experience with for profit organization, non-governmental organization (NGO) or for-profit agribusiness working with vulnerable, marginalized groups in West Africa, preferably Nigeria

  • Proven knowledge of international best practices of household economic strengthening for OVC and OVC caregivers.

  • At least 5 years proven experience in innovative value chain development or business models using best practices.

  • Proven experience in one or more of the following: market-driven economic development, private sector engagement, microfinance, village savings and loan associations (VSLA), micro-insurance, entrepreneurship development, and value chain linkages.

  • Fluency in English required, including report development, writing and editing. Strong desire for applicants with fluency in Hausa.

  • Strong management skills, with good understanding of relevant cross-cultural issues.

  • Previous experience in Nigeria, especially in Northern Nigeria.

  • Demonstrated experience in training, capacity building of partners and team members.

  • Demonstrated attention to detail, ability to follow procedures, meet deadlines and work independently and cooperatively with team members required

  • Highly developed computers skills with strong familiarity with Microsoft Word and Excel are mandatory.

  • Candidate must be willing to travel and work throughout Nigeria.

Success Factors:

  • A successful candidate will have strong diplomacy skills in managing a team with different backgrounds, abilities, and technical knowledge and will have contextual knowledge of Northern Nigeria.

  • She/he will use effective communication and team-building techniques, have excellent organizational and strong interpersonal skills and display an even temperament and good sense of humour.

Living Conditions/Environmental Conditions:

  • The Economic Strengthening Advisor will be based in Abuja and work collaboratively with the Save the Children, Nigeria with frequent travel to the states of Kano, Sokoto, Bauchi, and Plateau

  • Mercy Corps Team members represent the agency both during and outside of work hours when deployed in a field posting or on a visit/TDY to a field posting.

  • Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and MC’s policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.

Application Deadline: 10th August, 2016.

How To Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should send their Application and CV’s to: [email protected] with the position applied for as the subject of the email.

Fresh Listings from Mercy Corps Nigeria (Graduate & Experienced) [3 Positions]